Design Synthesis
This course has very much helped me in my learning studies as a designer, last year all my courses were very practical and i never really learnt about the meaning of how everything came about to happen. This course Design in Context has shown me about the past of design and how it has influenced the present design pieces, before this class i was very closed minded about design, this has opened my mind to becoming a better designer.
Going right back to past during the Rococo period, then forward again to the postmodernism and remix era, has broaden my horizons and shown me that design is a major part of everyday living. Design plays a role in effecting every ones views in life, the rich have different pieces to the poor, everyone was ranked against each other with what they own. But know people live off media and advertising, this is a large influence in how we lives life today. Looking at different cultures and how they design there own pieces for their lives; made me realise how everyone believes in different ways of living and how they can tell stories about their heritage in their design.
I very much appreciate the opportunity to take this class as it has helped me decide what i want to do for my future, i have very much enjoyed learning about the past and how everything came about to happen. It has made me ponder about the possibilities of our future design and how we can represent our lives today in our design, like the Maori do in their weaving, carvings and tattoo's. The main thing this course has taught me is that there is no real definition of "DESIGN" and the term has many different meanings in many different fields of every ones living environments.
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Postmoderism + Remix
I have chosen the Soft Heart from the spring collection in 1990, designed by Ron Arad. This piece of furniture is made out of a steel frame, polyurethane foam and fabric. This piece of design is also very ironic and wity because it is in the shape of a heart, you are supposed to hold your heart inside your body, not literally sit yourself on your heart. The present is to fascinating to stop and worry to much about the future, designing what comes to mind today and using these ideas in new creative ways gives us designs that can be realative to our own human bodies, like our hearts in this design piece.
I have chosen the Soft Heart from the spring collection in 1990, designed by Ron Arad. This piece of furniture is made out of a steel frame, polyurethane foam and fabric. This piece of design is also very ironic and wity because it is in the shape of a heart, you are supposed to hold your heart inside your body, not literally sit yourself on your heart. The present is to fascinating to stop and worry to much about the future, designing what comes to mind today and using these ideas in new creative ways gives us designs that can be realative to our own human bodies, like our hearts in this design piece.
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